Sunday, November 18, 2012

Project Runway All Stars Season 2 Ep 3

I have been in no rush to write this.  This season has been such a bore.  I need for the drama to be stepped up.  I will say this; the clothes have been pretty awesome to look at.  I can’t wait to see what else is up the designers’ sleeves.
Carolyn meets the designers over in Long Island City where they meet at a building that is covered in aerosol art or also known as graffiti.    The challenge is to create wearable art.  The designers get a crate of spray paint and 7 yards of either cotton or chiffon.  They also get 50 dollars for anything else they might need at Mood.  The judges are looking for something that will look good in an art gallery as it would on the runway.
So far some of the prints look pretty cool.  Let’s see what they do with them.
Kanye… yours is a hot ass mess.  I hope you can pull it all together.
Today’s guest judges are Jeffery Costello and Robert Tagliapietra, fashion designers.
That bow on Andre’s dress, no.

I understand what Kanye was trying to do with his dress, but I don’t think he pulled it off in the way he wanted it to go.

Emilio’s is a piece that you could rock anytime, anywhere. FAB.

Anthony Ryan, Emilio and Ivy are in the top.  I’m still trying to figure out why Ivy is in the top three.
Laura Kathleen, Suede, and Kayne are in the bottom three.

Emilio is this week’s winner.  SN: Amena (sp?) from America’s Next Top model is on here… lookin fab.
Suede is out!


1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I love Project Runway. I like the second outfit better than the first in terms of colour and design!

